Saturday, December 24, 2011

Does anyone have any good horse sim games posably able to train it?

able to train, bred your horses and more if possable|||Let's Ride Rosemond Hill- You can groom, pet, feed, clean out the stall, wash, let out, ride, and compete in different compitions. The only bad thing is that it's a very old game, and the grafics are really low. *competions are Steeplechase, Cross-Country, and Showjumping*

Let's Ride 3 day eventing- In this game you have to gain horse points in order to compete in harder competions, and get new horses. You groom, feed, tack up, clean out the stall, and are able to practice riding at the school. *competions are Dressage, Cross country, and showjumping*

Let's Ride Riding Star- In this game you have two options, going to a barn where to take care of your horse star, or go straight to competions which enclude Dressage, Cross country, and showjumping*

Let's Ride Equistride- this game you choice your person and horse and just compete in 3 competitions, (showjumping, dressage, crosscountry) your goal is to get the the Sydney horse trials. through out this game the better you get, you can get different horses, cheats, and become a vetren rider.

Let's Ride Corral Club- This is a barrel racing game that is super easy. The only thing you do is choice your horse/tack/person, and then practice and compete to be a national champion. Another thing you can do is ride in mini-games in the pasture. This game is super boring after a while.

Let's Ride Silverbuckle Stables- This is my favorite game of the let's ride series. You first choice your person, then you get to custom make your horse. You feed, groom, and give treats to him/her as well. You start out as a A class rider and make you way up to a AAA. Every class has 4 competions, and in each competion you compete in different western events from barrels, key hole, figure eights, hurry scurry, poles, and much much more.

Horsez- This is a good horse game for someone who is older, and able to understand it. You chose your horse and get to chose your daily activities. It's pretty fun, but is able to get very confusing.

hope this helps!|||The "Let's Ride" PC game collections are good.|||pippa funnell games are good they have a story ASWELL i do know that alot of consoles are bringing out various horsey games so keeo an eyes out i hope you find one that you like|||I know one well actually I dont know one but I know the site that has it is|||For the millionth time, this question should be posted in the GAMES section!

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