Saturday, December 24, 2011

What are some fun games to play with my horse?

I groom my horse then we run around a bit I get her to back up and turn but its boring so are there any fun games I could play with my horse on the ground and in the saddle?|||Look up Parelli 7 games. They are great and your horse will learn stuff too!

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The games are the ONLY Parelli thing worth doing|||Play tag- This takes some training, but once they get it it's a lot of fun. You run at them, and then run away. After awhile they'll get the hang of it.

Teach them how to bow. Take a treat and put it between their two front legs. You might need to encourage them by putting on their halter and pulling their head down.

Play soccer- My pony loved this one

Vaulting- You'll need a calm horse for this one

Swimming- If your horse has never swam before, this one will take some training too. You can even go in the water without making them swim|||play who has the apple and where is the apple or send me the apple and i will eat it|||put an apple int the water trough and do apple bobbing, LOL it looks hilarious :)

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