Friday, December 16, 2011

What are some horse riding games for private lessons?

I am teaching a 10 year old beginner to ride, she has the basics fairly well - walk, trot, turning, mounting, tacking up. She loves going over the trot poles %26amp; doing stretch exercises. Yesterday she told me she wanted to do games next lesson (which is tomorrow!!) and I have no idea of some games that she could do by herself? I know it will be limited but just some ideas would be fantastic|||Simon says, which is when the instructor calls out eg "Simon says, trot on!" And the rider should trot on. But, if the instructor calls "touch your nose/trot on" etc,, then the rider should continue to do what ever she is doing.

Bending (as in the bending race in gymkhana games) is a good one as it teaches coordination of hand, leg, eyes.

You could put her on the lunge rein and do things like holding mugs of water while doing walk and trot - the aim is to keep the hands still enough, the elbows flexible enough to prevent water from being dislodged from the mug. Suggest plastic mugs for that purpose. Or, carrying a whip across the top of both thumbs is another good one to keep the hands still and level - and keeps thumbs on top!

Just a few suggestions from the top of my head at some unearthly hour of the morning!|||Around the world - at a halt as she is a beginner - simply have herdrop the stirrups andgo arounfthe saddle sitting so she faces all directions... Onceshe has the gist of it, do it at a walk. . . then trot... Then eventually on a lead line have her do it at a canter... IF the horse will allow it. Lord knows I went flying a few times trying it at the canter LOL.|||It's been a long long time since I rode...and not sure what sort of games she can do on her own. I'm assuming she's riding English if you have her trotting poles....She might enjoy a mock dressage test! Perhaps set to music? Have her draw it out on paper, what she wants to do, and then she can perform it for you. Make it a half court and within her skill level.

You could also lay out a western style trail course. Have her try backing through poles, navigating a gate while mounted, etc. That might be fun....|||I love playing tag on horseback with other people. Just like on the ground with kids, you are it first, then start trotting or cantering and try and tag the PERSON - Not the horse. Very fun, but you need to know how to steer the horse well, and good balance while trying to tag and canter at the same time. My friend has fallen off many times at a gallop playing because she didn't have good balance.

Have fun ! :)|||arround the world,

hot cross scissers,

follow the leader,

simon says,

that money game where you stick a dollar between her calf and the saddle

, weaving through cones (you could actually make a whole obsticle course with poles and cones ect.),

tag- i guess thats difficult if she can trot on her own- you'd have to run.|||you can do lots of thing like Parallel parking. set up to poles and have he stand in them like a parking space then once she understands it, have her do it mounted but without walking over the poles. it good for teaching control and its fun.

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