Monday, December 19, 2011

Who has some good mini horse games?

For our christmas party this year at our miniature horse club - we are having a games day. I am after some new games..... does anyone have any tried and true games we could play?|||follow the leader.

if you have kids have them get on the ponies and follow each other around the arena doing exactly what the leader does.

simon says

basically the same as always just on horse back instead

bobbing for apples with the horses

you and your horse race down to the end of the arena, dismount, helper takes horse over to bucket of water, horse bobs for apples in one bucket while you do the other, when both horse and rider have apple, race back to start, fastest time wins. horses might have a little trouble so make water very shallow and easy for them to pick up apple. we did this at a summer camp i helped at and the kids and horses loved it!!!

hope this helps!!!|||Driving obstacle courses.

Costume class.

Trick class.

Lead line trail class with things to cross like tarps and cardboard and streamers.

If you've ever seen a Shetland Pony steeple chase, those are incredible, but fast and furious and require good young riders. The ponies race over haybale jumps. Winner gets the purse.

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