Saturday, December 24, 2011

What are some games to play at a horse camp that you can play off the horse?

I am working at this horse camp this summer and we take about an hour lunch break, and for most of the kids this seems to long as they get bored and want to ride again, but we need to give the horses a break, so i needed some ideas of games that will keep the younger and older kids entertained, and hopefully theses games have things to do with horses too! Thanks|||What a great job for you this summer--being around horses. LOL. And kids.

The horses AND staff and campers should all take a break and recover from heat. Everyone must sit, chill, eat and drink and drink some more.

Maybe you can set out some horse books that are suitable for the different ages of your campers.

Find horse and pony coloring book pictures. Place boxes of crayons or coloring pencils and sharpeners on the tables. There are good pictures you can copy from the internet too!

You (staff) will not have to participate or help them--keep on relaxing.

Or they can sketch and color their own horse pictures---maybe their favorite camp horse.

Save horse shoes or ask farrier to please save old ones for your camp.

Use Tempura Paint for campers to paint the shoes. From local hobby store get all kinds of adds on--tiny bows, ribbons, tiny flowers, feathers, fake gems (don't forget masculine for the boys), etc that can be glued on to the shoe. Stay away from messy glitter! The campers can take this home at end of the week as a souvenir.

Again--do not help the kids. This is your break and you need it!!!

Let them be creative. All you have to do is place the boxed craft items, glue, and shoes out for them the kids to work with. TELL me to pick their mess up and wash their hands. This project may take more than one lunch break--so kids can finish the next day or so.

DVD's are also a wonderful idea too!!

Good luck with ideas--it is nice of you to start preparing now so everyone has a good time.

Remember you and the kids need some downtime as well.|||May sound silly but how about a game of horseshoes?

Have a lasso competition with a fake calf or some kind of target to rope from various distances.

Have a hay bale race where teams of 2 roll a hay bale 50 yards or so..

All I can think of off the top of my head.|||Hey,

I work at a horse camp too. It is a lot of fun, but you are right the lunch break is a long time for kids to wait. Here are some fun ideas. Have all the kids in the arena and put poles out, or jumps. If you do western you can put out barrels and have the kids around the arena and say trot, then walk, the canter. They love this. Then tell them to jump the poles and jumps. I hope this helps!!|||you can get them to jump over the horses' jumps. make little courses and see who can go the highest and fastest. for prizes u can give out stickers or sumthing.|||pair up the kids. put a blind fold on on of the kids. have the kid hold a lead rope in each hand. the other kid will stand behind them holding the lead rope. the non-blind folded kid has the us the leads as rains and steer the other kid through and obstacle course. time the pairs to see who can go the fastest.|||I use to run a horse day camp that lasted a week and I agree that both the campers and especially the staff need a break but here are a few ideas that we did:

At lunch time we would do a horse quiz with all level of questions.

Scherades is always fun, we had things like cleaning a saddle, brushing a horse....

Scavenger hunts went over well...put them into teams and give them each a list.

DVDs are always a good idea and sometimes you can catch a cat nap if needed.

Good Luck|||Ok....just had an idea.

Have a piece of paper for each kid. Have something from a barn/stable on it. It could be a horse shoe, a bridle, a saddle, a hoof scraper, a crop, a bail of hay, a helmet...or whatever is in your stable. Take a piece of tape and put it on the pieces of paper. Have the kids stand in a line and close their eyes. Stick one piece on each kids back. Then they will have to go around to other people and try to get hints of what their thing is. They can also tell others hints on what is on their back. But no straight out telling what it is. Once everyone is done, scramble them up and play again!

Hope this helped! Have fun at horse camp!


*best answer if you want!*|||i work at a horse camp over the summer too,

while we are taking our lunch break, some of the kids play kick the can in the barn, like hide and seek, ecxept kicking the can before your tagged. But sometimes the kids have races in the arena, on feet, like runnung through the barrels and poles so they get the pattern down pact. hope i helped!|||I work at a horse camp over the summer as well. All of the above ideas are great, but they sound to me like you'd be doing an awful lot of work over your lunch break. And not only do the horses need to rest and cool off, but you and the campers do, too.

What we generally do is all the workers and instructors bring in a few of their horse-y movies on the first day of camp. The campers get to vote on what movie they'd like to watch. (And if your camp is about a week long, like ours is, you can generally fit in two movies, so everyone gets to watch at least one movie they want.) So we just put in the movie and everyone settles down and cools off for an hour. Of course, some of the littler kids are still antsy to get out again, but you're going to get that with any group of kids. :)|||This may sound silly but Piggy Back Races are fun! The older girls can give piggy backs to the younger kids and can race against each other!

You can also do some relay races where you have to grab like a horse bucket then bring it somewhere then using a lead rope they can do three jumps in jump rope with the lead rope etc.

You can also make two groups and some horse trivia!|||what we do every year is, we have some of the smaller kids get on the backs of the bigger kids that are willing (they can do it by themselves too) and puton a little show. have them pick names for their imaginary horses and pick a winner. they could jump or barrels or whatever. its so cute to watch and|||a game of horseshoes!

paint the pony! (with horse safe paint lol) ive done this when i was a conselor. they LOVED it! they put hand prints and draw its really cute, just make sure you have a safe horse or pony. take a picture too and give each of them one because its really memorable!|||They could do arts and crafts and such while the horses are taking a break. You could suggest making pretty signs for their favourite horses' stall. I did that at a horse camp one time, it was alot of fun :) Hope I helped!

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