Monday, December 19, 2011

How to get ready for a horse show ( games)?

I am going to a horse show and I am entering the game competitions ( pole bending, arena race etc.). Would you get your horse ready for that? Like not exercise but looks. I haven't shown in like 2 years ( besides a fun show).

Thanks for help.|||I would use color... A LOT. like you can go "clean" and mostly have just brown white or black tack, or you can do what i do. Red polos on the front, Superman blue polos on the back, my western pad is red,blue and hunter green, i have the ear thingies with tassles and its hunter green and red, i wear my trusty jeans, hunter green helmet, black gloves, and to finish it off a hunter green and white plaid shirt, with a blue bell boots on the front,and my chestnut saddle and bridle. and THAT is how you you stab and grab in flags race,race with pace in barrels, and slice and dice in flags!|||Sporting or gaming comps are pretty lenient with looks:) You don't need to plait up or wash your horse. Just groom her up till he shines.

Do you have matching tack?

I've noticed a big rush of color co-ordination in sporting!

Match your shirt with your saddle cloth and horse boots, and even the same colored ribbon in her tail would look nice!

Also, make sure all your tack is sparkly clean:)

Good luck and have fun!|||Cool sounds fun!! groom her up real good if you aren't bathing her then, braid her hair up nicely, paint her hooves for some shine, make sure your looking good yourself :p and just have fun! i've never done games, only huntseat showing, etc.|||Spray paint designs on her! It looks so cool:) braid her tail and add ribbons as a braid. Paint the hooves! Wear matching gear like purple beast collar her and purple hat over for u! Be experimental and try new things :) have fun and good luck;)|||Honestly, you don't really need to bathe her if you're just doing games. Maybe some fun ribbons in her tail and glitter on her hooves. Just have fun with it. I see a lot of people do that for speed events.|||Sounds like fun!

If it was me i would probably plait my horse up and just make sure they were well groomed

and maybe throw in a few color coordinated tack wear (matching numnah, boots, headband etc)

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