Friday, December 16, 2011

What are some horse riding games for 2 riders?

This summer my friend and i want to ride as much as possible and enjoy it. During the school year, its hard to really hard to enjoy long rides.

What are some fun games for two or three riders?|||You could set up three barrels (or cones, jump standards, anything!) and race around them in a cloverleaf pattern (right, left, top, back down).

You could do a "ribbon race" with you and your partner. Get a long ribbon and hold it between you two as you go through the walk trot and canter, as well as trying to circle.

Do egg and spoon. Get plastic spoons, you don't need to use eggs.. you could even buy candy eggs or chocolates or something that'll fit and be difficult to balance. Go through all three gaits doing this and see how long you can hold it.

OR if you have more than 2 you can play tag. Which of course is self explanatory and lots of fun.

Hope you have fun with these.. we do a game night every once and a while at my barn and this is what we do :)|||Well, you could try synchronised riding or as it is known in other places drill riding.- agree on what you are going to do and for example start at X on the centre line separate at A or C depending on which direction you are going, crossing at X along the diagonal etc. This is good for making you more aware of where each other are in the school, you could aim to meet at certain points, separate at certain points and do things at the same time at opposite sides of the school. Sometimes one might have to push on or another might have to slow to keep doing the same thing together. Remember to keep it safe and avoid snide kicks from the other horse as you pass each other.

You do not say the size and breed of your horses but you could enjoy some gymkhana type games.|||I played tag with three other riders at our barn the other day. It was a load of fun and we were unconsciously working on our balance. We played walk, trot canter, but I'm sure you could play walk trot, if you wanted to. After we had over four people it wasn't as much fun. You need a rather large space, where you won't run into anyone who doesn't want to play.

Also I played Ball in the Bucket game as a young rider. I started with a ball and would trot towards a bucket set up on a jump standard. I'm sure you could do it at a canter if you wanted to. You can make it harder by having to pick the ball up from something before trying to get it in the bucket. Whoever gets the ball in the bucket the most times wins.

Have Fun!!|||you can play a sort of relay race where you have a bucket at one end, and one rider isnt riding, who can give you a ball and you have to race the other to get the ball into the bucket. but that all depends on how spooky the horse is. i used to play it all the time, its good fun|||u guys could go on a trail ride, try 2 teach ur horses how 2 swim ( parents MUST watch u guys), set up a trail course, set up three barrels in a triangle and race around them( right, left, top and back down), set up some poles and race throught them, teach ur horse how 2 jump or try working with some cows!!!|||theres a game called ride a buck.

and you take a dollar and stick it under your butt, and go through all the horses gaits and see who can keep the dollar underneath them.|||In any event 2 is a company and 3 is a crowd! Two friends of opposite sex can have wonderful time together riding on one horse. You have more control on horse, can develop real intimacy with each other,if you are adventurers can do some creative thing together and more.

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