Saturday, December 24, 2011

How do I teach my horse Parelli's Seven Games?

I've watched the DVD that Parelli sells, read numerous online articles, and yet I can't seem to get it. To me it seems that Shawnee (my horse) may be to trained for the basic games, I'm not sure though. Can anyone give me some hints with the Seven Games and how to teach them.... Maybe I'm doing something wrong...

Thanks!|||I had the same problem with my horse, no matter how many times I watched pat or linda do it, or how many articles i read, i just couldn't do it! I hired a parelli instructor to come out and help me, and it was the best thing i could of done. She showed me every little thing that made a difference, Who'd have known an expression on my face could stop my horse from yo-yoing? lol. So thats the best advice I can give.

In the meantime, make sure you are taking everything slowly, and in order. For eg. get game 1 (the friendly game) mastered before you move on. Dont leave it half finished because your horse won't learn it then go to game 2 or another, it will just confuse him more. They are in order because you use the previous games as methods to help you in the next games! if that makes sense lol!

You also have to be VERY patient. Teaching the seven games to my horse (she was 1 at the time - no attention span!) was a long long process. If your horse freaks at the friendly game, start by using your hands, then a rope, then progress to the carrot stick. Get him used to rubbing it over him before throwing and tossing it around. I can't explain the other games on here, I'll be here all day! But I don't know exaclty what you're having trouble with. But I definitely think a trainer could help you. Just make sure its a proper parelli professional (they are advertised on the parelli website).

I hope my answer has helped you, and I praise you for taking the parelli route, you're horse will thank you for it. Savvy smiles :)|||The Parelli games are not for your horse, they are for you. Your horse doesn't have to learn anything. The games teach you how to communicate with your horse. Parelli isn't a horse trainer, he is a people trainer.

The seven games are like the ABC's to horses. They are simple and boring and are just the very first basics that you have to learn to communicate with your horse. So you just have to learn them properly. I would recommend finding a natural horsemanship trainer or certified parelli trainer and going to a clinic or hiring them to come to your place and teach you. You just have to learn to how use your body language and the tools properly to communicate with your horse.

It is very difficult to see what you are doing right and wrong without having another set of knowledgable eyes to guide you. If you can't find someone who has already mastered the games to help you or you can't afford a natural horsemanship trainer, try videotaping yourself. Then you can compare what you are doing with what you see on the DVD and try to perfect your technique.|||If you don't have the kit, my granddaughter wrote out some notes about each game. I can e-mail them to you. Go to and leave me a Guest book entry with your e-mail address and I'll send you the document. Believe me. It's worth your effort to use them.

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