Saturday, December 24, 2011

What are some fun games to play with your horse?

I decided to give my horse some time off till I can get a saddle fiter out. I am looking for some fun games and ground work I can do with my filly.|||You could teach her to bow and lie down and such. Look into pat perrali training stuff and there are cool tricks that he teaches yearlings!|||you can teach your horse to be perfect at ground training. teach her to side pass and back up and back up around corners while you just wiggle the lead rope. you can set up tarps(with our without water) and walk over them and set up stuffed animals that she can side pass over or back through and set up a clothes line thing with stuff hanging so she has to walk under it. those are great bonding exercises because she has to learn to trust you|||well i personally love jumping the jumps on foot with her. its very 1 on 1 and you and the horse will love it. also why not teach her some tricks? or work her ground skills... teacher to walk at your sidee without a lead rope... or even teach her to pick up a bag with her mouth... there are tons of things you can do.|||Well there isnt really games I can think of but there is basic groundwork:

-Basic groundwork

-Set up scary objects to work with

-Backing and stopping


Etc....etc...Im too lazy to type it all.

As I have said before, no lunging until 4 or better yet 5. They are not fully developed.|||ground training. but dont keep doing the same patteren over and over. change it up an keep her focused on you. =)

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