Friday, December 16, 2011

Does anyone have any unique horse games that dont involve getting off? and are for advance horseback riders?

i need games for advance horseback riders that dont involve getting off. i already know keyhole, barrels, and pole bending.|||Advanced riders DO play games!!!! Everyone can have fun no matter how advanced they are.

You could have a muck fork (with the plastic prongs for safety reasons). In a sand arena put down several wiffle balls. (you know, the little plastic ones?鈥?/a>

Also you need a kiddie pool:鈥?/a>

Put down like 20. You can buy a big pack cheap at walmart. Then have a timer. To play, see who can go around (bareback) and scoop up wiffle balls one by one and put them into the kiddie pool in three minutes. Whoever gets the most in the pool in three minutes wins!|||Tag? Lol me and my friend and her brother do that alot on her horses..

Another is Stakes..i compteted at state level and got 3rd!

Cherokee Ribbon Race (pair enter each holding the end of a 36" long ribbon. They run to the far end, go around a barrel, and run back)

Pony express race (one rider waits at the far end behind 2 barrels. time starts when other rider enters. That person then runs to the one behind the barrels, gives them a saddle bag, and the other person runs out and time stops)

Forest escape (like pole bending but the poles are not in a straight line)

And if you want a team sport..Drill team!!!|||Well I've played this game where you are on horseback (any style, but bareback is the most fun!) and you have a spoon with a peanut (or egg) on it. You hold onto the spoon and go through all the different gaits trying to balance the item and if it falls off of your spoon, you lose! Last one with the item still balanced wins.|||musical horses. you have a ball or crop that you passes around for begginers we do it at a walk and for more advanced riders we do it at the canter and the person with the object when the music goes off you go pick a piece of paper out of a tim the paper says a command like pivit, sliding stop really any command you want to put in and if they do it right they get to go back in the game and if you dont you are out of the game its really fun|||Theres a game called "Ride A Buck". Its ridden bareback usually, or with a saddle (more fun bareback!). Pretty much everyone who plays puts a dollar (buck) under their seat (inbetween the horse's back and their butt) and someone calls out all the gaits except posting trot (since thats like, impossible to do). If someone's dollar falls off, theyre out. The winner is the last person with the dollar still under them, and they win the money!|||You could do flag.

You put two open barrel on separate ends of the arena. Each have a flag in them. Run to the first, grab the flag. Run to the second and put the flag in the second barrel and then grab the other flag, turn the barrel, run back to the first and put the flag into the first and run home.

It's A LOT harder than it sounds.|||Put a bucket on top of a barrel. Have the rider start at the other end of the area holding a tennis racket with a tennis ball balanced on the face of the racket. The rider then goes down the arena to the barrel, carrying the ball on the racket and drops the ball into the bucket. Person to do this fastest wins.|||The lipstick race! everyone brings some lipstick and you have to do a jumping (english) or trail (western) course/pattern and by the end have put on the lipstick. person with the neatest (or messiest if you are like me and my friends) lipstick wins.|||you race around a lover leaf barrel pattern. but they have to be open top barrels. and you drop a ball (a bouncy one) and the person who gets all thee ball in the barrles with the fastest time wins. and all riders need to have fun once in a while.|||barrels of course,poll bending,rescue racing tag,course training going through obstacles and stuff like that with your horse to c who can go faster. good luck hope that i helped alittle.|||i have never lmao|||Advanced riders don't play games. They work on bettering their own riding and their horses.

Meagan K: Fun is doing well. "Fundamentals are the building blocks of fun."

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