Friday, December 16, 2011

Does anyone know any easy horse back games at a walk for beginners?

im teaching a very young girl(some were between the ages 3 and 5)to ride.the horse is a shetland and is really sweet and quiet.i know how to teach her to ride but can anyone give me some idea's on some mounted games she can play at a walk just to make the lesson a little funner for her.thanks everyone!|||I have been riding since I was that age, and at the end of the lesson my instructor used to hold the pony and have me play "around the world". Basically she swings one leg over to sit sidesaddle, then sits backwards, then sidesaddle on the other side..then front again! It helps with balance too, and the kids get a kick out of it.|||Red light green light, Simon Says, and the 'around the world' game mentioned earlier sounds good too. A spoon and egg 'race' would help with balance. My 4-H has done 'ride a buck' at shows, which is where you tuck a dollar right above the knee in between the horse and rider's leg (it's a bareback game, though, so she might not be ready yet.) We also have a competition where the rider starts at a line drawn on the ground, rides down to a bucket full of tack, gets off and takes out the piece of tack they are told to retrieve, and rides back to the line. This helps with mounting/ dismounting, stopping/ starting, and tack ID. Hope this helps!|||Maybe one day you could do a horse-back lesson, or rather, you could ride a horse with her and play these games:

Egg-and-Spoon Race

Simon Says (You could do circles and reverses, back ups, serpentines, etc.)

Around the World (I think this has already been explained, but you have to put your leg over the horses neck to sit sidesaddle, then turn to "ride backwards", then sidesaddle on the other side, then back to normal position.)

Red Light, Green Light

Or if you can't ride/don't want to ride, you could ask some older girls in the barn to join in and play these games with her - she'd love that. Every little girl LOVES "big girls". xD|||You can set up cones and have her walk barrel and pole bending patterns and even set up little trail class patterns. Have her put things on a fence post and come back to pick them up. The old egg and spoon trick (hard boiled!) and a lot of the gymkhana games can all be done at a walk. These will also help work on skills such as leg yields, side passes etc.|||when i took lessons, i did the 'round the world' thing, too. you need a very sturdy and sound horse though.

u can also have egg and spoon races. and simon says where the commands are 'halt' and 'turn around' and stuff like that. you can also do things like 'touch your toes' or 'touch your helmet' (for simon says).|||Red Light Green light. That way she can also learn to be soft when she stops :D|||red light green light will teach them how to walk and halt.. lol simmon says..

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